Author Archives: Corbett h. Williams

Articles by: Corbett h. Williams
What Does a Business Litigation Lawyer Do in California?

Owning and running your own business is a lot of work. Countless issues can arise, making it easy to feel overwhelmed when multiple things go wrong at once. When a lawsuit or other legal issue threatens your business, it’s important to take action to protect…

Can I Sue My California Employer for Firing Me Under False Accusations?

Many wrongful termination cases pertain to false accusations. A simple example of this would be an employer or coworker making false accusations against an employee, and the falsely accused employee is subsequently fired based on those false accusations. Unfortunately, it’s also possible for an employer…

How to File a Successful EEOC Complaint in California?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency responsible for creating and enforcing workplace regulations, anti-discrimination, and anti-harassment policies for American employers. The EEOC is also responsible for reviewing and investigating claims of employment discrimination and harassment. Therefore, if you work in California…

How to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in California?

Sexual harassment is an unfortunate reality in the modern American business world. Every year, thousands of employees across all industries experience sexual harassment at work. Unfortunately, these employees often feel trapped by their circumstances. Some may believe they have no way to fight back against…

How Do You Prove Retaliation in the Workplace in California?

Experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace is never easy. Whether you are dealing with requests for sexual favors, inappropriate comments, unwanted touching, or a hostile work environment, pervasive sexual harassment can take a severe emotional toll. Research shows that such harassment can be incredibly traumatic,…

Is it Hard to prove Sexual Harassment?

It’s an unfortunate reality that sexual harassment negatively affects the lives of thousands of people across the United States each year. When an individual experiences sexual harassment in the workplace, they have the right to take legal action against the party responsible for the adverse…

Orange County Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney

Expectant mothers have special legal protections in the workplace under California employment laws. The Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams has successfully handled numerous discrimination matters on behalf of employees in Orange County and throughout Southern California. Pregnancy Discrimination Although pregnancy discrimination is illegal under…

Has Your California Employer Misclassified You as an Independent Contractor?

Employers frequently misclassify workers who legally qualify as employees as “independent contractors.” The distinction between employee and independent contractor is critical because improper classification can result in an employee losing important worker protections and tens of thousands of dollars in wages and benefits. Losses suffered…

Do I Have a Claim for Unpaid Overtime in California?

Under state and federal law, employers must pay workers overtime pay if they work over a certain number of hours. If an employer fails to fairly compensate a worker for the wages they earned, the employer can be held liable through a California unpaid overtime claim.…

Filing an Unpaid Wages Lawsuit in California

State and federal employment laws require employers to pay workers for the wages they earn. If an employer fails to fairly compensate a worker, by failing to provide either statutorily required wages or wages outlined in an employment agreement, the employer may face a California…

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The Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams is always prepared to get clients started down the road to a more secure future. Take the first step and contact the firm today. The attorney will take care to answer questions and help decide what the most effective next step can be.