
What if I can’t afford to hire an attorney to pursue a personal injury case?

What If I Can’t Afford To Hire An Attorney To Pursue A Personal Injury Case? After an accident or injury, personal injury victims have many valid concerns. In addition to the anxieties about their health and the stress of recovery, they may be worried about…

The Basics Of The Duty To Defend In California

Duty To Defend: We Sue Insurance Companies That Wrongfully Refuse To Defend Policyholders The Duty to Indemnify vs. the Duty to Defend Insurance policies that protect against liability from lawsuits filed by other people or businesses typically include two types of protection. The first is…

What are signs that I may be being discriminated against at work?

What Are Signs That I May Be Being Discriminated Against At Work? No one likes to work with disagreeable co-workers or for a boss who mistreats them. It can be worse if the mistreatment is caused by age, sex, race, or another type of discrimination…

What steps should I take if I am the victim of sexual harassment?

What Steps Should I Take If I Am The Victim Of Sexual Harassment? Being the victim of sexual harassment at work can be one of the most distressing forms of discrimination because it leaves the person feeling so powerless and violated. Sexual harassment is a…

What does it mean that my employer must have good cause to fire me?

What Does It Mean That My Employer Must Have Good Cause To Fire Me? Most people in California are at-will employees, and their employers can fire them for a bad reason or no reason at all. However, if you have a written, oral, or implied…

What Information Should My Pay Stub Include?

What Information Should My Pay Stub Include? Your pay stub is a critical source of information that should contain everything you need to know about how your pay is calculated, including what deductions have been taken, how many hours you worked, and how much overtime,…

Speeding Is the #1 Cause of Car Accidents in Orange County

Speeding Is Responsible For More Injuries And Deaths On Orange County Roads Than Any Other Cause Statistics compiled by the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) show that overwhelmingly, excessive speed is the most common cause of injury and fatality car crashes in Orange County.…

The Basics of Insurance “Bad Faith” In California

Insurance Bad Faith: California Law Gives Policy Holders Powerful Weapons To Fight Insurance Companies That Unreasonably Deny Policy Benefits The Basics of Insurance “Bad Faith” In California The concept of “bad faith” arose in California as a way to punish insurance companies who unreasonably deny…

What should I say to my employer when requesting an accommodation for my disability?

What Should I Say To My Employer When Requesting An Accommodation For My Disability? The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) protect you from disability discrimination on the job. These laws also require your employer to make reasonable…

Slip, Trip and Fall Injury Lawyer Irvine, CA

Slip, Trip And Fall Injuries Can Be Severe. Find Some Answers Here. California law provides that property owners owe members of the public an obligation to discover unsafe conditions that could lead to a slip, trip or fall and to repair or give adequate warning…

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The Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams is always prepared to get clients started down the road to a more secure future. Take the first step and contact the firm today. The attorney will take care to answer questions and help decide what the most effective next step can be.