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If you are about to be terminated at work, you may be going through a lot of different emotions. You’re likely angry, confused, isolated, and probably a little scared if you don’t have another job lined up for your immediate future. If you are fortunate enough to be offered a severance package from your employer, you should consider consulting with a Long Beach severance agreement lawyer before making a decision. It’s possible you could be taken advantage of.
A severance agreement is a legally binding contract between an employer and an employee that details the various terms and conditions of the employee’s termination, particularly severance pay and potential ongoing benefits. A severance agreement outlines certain benefits and perks that you may receive in exchange for agreeing to the conditions for leaving your company quietly or amicably, depending on the agreement.
Oftentimes, a severance agreement will be in place to minimize a company’s legal exposure and may prohibit you from taking legal action against the company after you are let go. That’s just one of many potential aspects of a severance agreement that could be in place.
No employer in California, which is an at-will employment state, is required to provide terminated employees with a severance agreement. They do, however, have to provide all the wages the employee is due upon their termination, as per the California Labor Code. If your employer provides you with a severance agreement, this will likely be a part of it.
While you may assume that a severance package is non-negotiable, that is not always the case. You should consider reaching out to a severance agreement lawyer who can inform you of just how negotiable your exit contract may be.
A severance package is not just a big check that signifies an appreciation for years of faithful employment. In fact, it is a calculated contract designed to take legal and financial pressure off the company by making sure you agree to certain demands that won’t hurt the company upon your termination. This includes possible clauses that state you won’t work for a competitor or bad-mouth the company on social media.
An effective lawyer can help make your severance a win for you and go over the agreement, which may include the following elements:
A: A reasonable severance package is going to be subjective. What’s reasonable to one employee may be considered unreasonable to another. For the most part, a decent severance package should include an amount in severance pay that’s reasonable to you, a payout of unused vacation time, an extension of your health insurance coverage, and various legal documentation that covers your employer. A lawyer can look over your agreement and ensure it’s fair to you.
A: In California, there are certain claims that cannot be waived in a severance agreement. This includes any claims related to workers’ compensation benefits, unemployment benefits, unpaid wages owed to you by the company, and any rights you have to file a discrimination claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). You legally cannot give up your ability to pursue these claims even if you sign the agreement. They are protected by state law.
A: You technically do not need to hire a lawyer to negotiate your own severance package with your employer; however, it can be helpful. You may not know what you are trying to evaluate, and your company may attempt to take advantage of you. Having someone in your corner who understands the law and can provide you with professional help can only benefit you in the long run. A lawyer can help protect your interests.
A: Recent legislation signed into law in 2021 requires that all employers who offer terminated employees a severance package must give those employees at least five days to review the agreement and consult with a lawyer. This legislation also prevents employers from trying to restrict employees from discussing discrimination or harassment claims in their agreements. If offered a severance agreement, you should have a lawyer look over it.
Nobody likes getting fired. It can feel like a betrayal and leave you a bit unprepared to go back into the job-hunting world. A severance agreement can make you feel like you were valued, but if your employer tries to use it to take advantage of you, you could lose out on a lot that you might’ve been owed. That’s where a severance agreement lawyer comes in.
The legal team at the Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams can assure you that your severance agreement is being looked at by professionals who understand what to look for. They can help you increase your severance pay, avoid signing any problematic legal documents, and make sure your interests are protected. Contact us to schedule a consultation soon.
The law offices of Corbett H. Williams takes most employee cases on a contingency fee basis
meaning that if we take your case, you pay nothing unless we recover for you.
If you are the victim of unlawful employment practices, including wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, or have not been paid all wages and benefits you are entitled to, the Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams can help. Call us today at 949-528-4220, or take a moment to fill out an online contact form for a prompt response. Delay could result in the loss of your claim, so don’t wait.
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The Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams is always prepared to get clients started down the road to a more secure future. Take the first step and contact the firm today. The attorney will take care to answer questions and help decide what the most effective next step can be.